Monday, March 29, 2010

Look Fabulous By Eating More Food!

Don’t Starve Yourself!

I’m back on my diet.” Rebecca says, lighting a cigarette.
Oh?" I, the Professional Dieter, am interested. "What diet are you doing?”
I’m starving myself.” She says, “Let’s face it: I’ll never lose if I eat food I like.”
Her mouth is set, it’s useless to argue, but I can't help myself!
"If you ate the food that's good for you after awhile I think you'd like it" I venture.
She rolls her eyes "Liiiiiiizzzzz," she says, like I just told a really bad joke.

This is typical of conversations I’ve had recently with several friends who are in every other way smart, educated, productive people. They just don’t know much about how their bodies work, don’t know what combinations of food will kick-start their engines & get them burning energy even when they sneak in a cheat. These people are warring with their bodies! You can't win a war with your body, no tie, no draw. Your body will win eventurally by killing you & there's no satisfaction in that. Can't we all just get along?

Our bodies & minds are connected but not the same. Just as your mind is the center of thought your body is also a source of intelligence. It will try to guide you if you’ll pay attention to it.
Who is your most loyal friend & only true lifelong companion?
Your body!
Since you are linked together for the duration, it’s in your best interest to treat it kindly. Learn how it works & give it the best you can afford. You wouldn’t put Kerosene in your Cadillac, neither should you put unworthy fuel in your personal conveyance.

Show your body that it can trust you. When trying to shed pounds it’s important to let your body know you’re taking care of it by feeding it beautiful food at regular intervals. Lots of people diet by skipping meals & cutting portions or fat. These actions signal your body there’s a famine going on so if you go off your diet your body will store everything it can as fat to guard you against the next lean times.

It’s much better to eat three or four meals at regular intervals through out the day. You can eat more if the food is high fiber & water content. All the reds, yellows & greens in fruit & veggies are nutrients that want to make you feel good & look sexy. Eat lots of color & your skin will thank you.

Portion size is a big problem for Americans. It’s not your fault nobody ever told you how to determine a portion & most of our restaurants overfeed us. Since everybody is a different size & chemical makeup no two people have the same needs. For protein your serving should be the size of your palm. My hand holds the perfect amount of berries, grabs the right amount of salad greens & holds a pen so I can write down what I’ve eaten. Keeping a food journal for a week will help you get a handle on what you are actually consuming. Write it down, don’t cheat yourself. I take a vitamin with breakfast & use cast iron pans to get iron in my diet, although you could just eat liver once a week.

While you’re dieting bake, steam, boil, broil, microwave or eat it raw! Frying makes you fat, fat makes you fat, white food is white because it has no value & it makes you fat. Eat color.

Here’s what you need every day:

· 5 servings of fresh fruit or veg, one must have vitamin C since your body doesn’t make that, organic will be easier on your liver & skin, less pesticides to digest.
· 2 or 3 servings of high quality protein. Beef has the most fat/oz, if you like red meat try Buffalo. Chicken, fish & eggs: free range, hormone free & organic will help you men not to get moobs !
· 2 servings of grain (a slice of bread is a serving, so is a cup of brown rice)
· 2 servings of dairy (keep your yoni happy ladies, eat yogurt everyday!)

These are not veggies: Corn, potatoes (includes french fries), mac & cheese, peas, lima beans, ketchup.
Anything with pasta, marshmallows, creamy sauce or jello is not a salad.

Drink lots of pure water, do lots of brisk walking, go to the spa & have a facial. When you lose weight give your old clothes to charity & reward yourself with something (not food) that makes you feel awesome!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Can I Rest In Bed While the Earth Goes to Hell ?

The Dali Lama was talking to a group of college kids, answering questions. Somebody asked him about global warming. Here’s what he said:

The environment should be of concern to everybody on a daily basis.

My personal contribution: shower, not bath.”

That got a laugh. He went on to say,

Scientists look to the Moon, to Space, for planets like Earth,

but colonies on the Moon or Mars without the Earth: impossible!”

And he chuckled at our folly.

The point is we can’t run away from the mess we’ve made & anything you do to improve the situation is better than nothing!

What brought this on? OK, if you’ve been reading my posts, you know I’m trying to recover from having my equator opened up, a few interlopers evicted, & watching the amazing scar topography develop below my navel. A tedious prospect, but I’m trying to use the time wisely; resting in bed, playing guitar, thinking, (remember thinking?) watching back episodes of “Bones”- my favorite TV show. I’ve also used this downtime to read 2 years of back issues of Discover Magazine. Result?

I am deeply troubled by the condition of our planet!

You should be too. Here’s why:

  • Did you know that there are four islands in the oceans that are made up entirely of plastic garbage? The largest, known as the Pacific Gyre, is as big as the state of Texas and goes at least 100 ft deep!

  • Did you know that irresponsible fishing has depleted entire nations of fish in the oceans?

  • Did you know that we are now eating fish that was once thought only fit for cat food?! The most plentiful life in the ocean is Jellyfish. How ‘bout a nice jelly-fish taco? Didn’t think so.

  • Did you know that every creature living in the ocean today has plastic in its system?!

  • How about the fact that where there used to be huge fields of oysters, near the Chesapeake Bay, there is now nothing? We have fished & poisoned what was a giant, ancient community into oblivion; it is a dead zone.

  • There is also a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico where pollution from the Mississippi River has killed everything. Agricultural poisons kill more than bugs, my friends. And now they’re talking about bringing back DDT.

This is just the stuff that’s going wrong with our water. Our Earth is mostly water, our bodies are mostly water, nuthin can live without clean water. You may or may not “believe” in global warming, but do you really want to help kill your planet?

OK, now what do we do about it? Think globally, act locally. A pretty slogan, but one you can live with. Do what you can about your own home, (buy energy efficient appliances, replace your windows, use those swirly light bulbs) neighborhood, (pick up trash, especially plastic bags that get into waterways thru our sewers) city, (be a friend to your parks) state, (encourage your state to invest in sustainable energy, new infrastructure, vote green) & write your representatives. You voted, now tell them what you want them to do, they can’t read your mind! Here are some handy links to get you going. find your Congressperson find your Senator find out how your govt. can help you!

Here’s what I do:

• Recycle all paper, plastic & aluminum, (thanks, Mayor Daley!)
• drive a Toyota Echo (40mpg) Don’t be hatin’ Toyota, remember the Pinto?
• don’t litter
• turn off tap, lights, computer, TV when I’m finished using them
• ask the people I buy from to use non-plastic containers
• take my bags back to the store, reuse or recycle
• shop local so I can walk to my errands & get exercise at the same time!
• Support others efforts to preserve lakes, parks, trees help our air, plant & tend!
• I write my reps every week, let em know I vote, pay taxes & expect results
• Pray for my president & my planet.

We, in the United States, like to think of ourselves as the best in the World, but we’re the ones dragging our feet when it comes to climate change and averting the end of our species. This is not a matter for American politics. We don’t have time to argue about it we’re close to Fracked on this one. Even China is ahead of us! They ride bikes, exercise together every day, they practice population control. We’re a couple hundred years old, they’re 5000. Maybe they know something? We could learn from other countries if we weren’t so busy being afraid of them.

I’m still hopeful & I know I’m not alone. Write & tell me what you do to reverse the trend. It’s time for Spring Cleaning, let’s clean up our Planet & live to talk about it. Peace.